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Case Studies

The following case studies are similar to creative strategies we’ve implemented for our clients.

Inheritance Complexities

Primary Goal: Strategic Investment Planning

Client Profile

Charlotte, a busy corporate executive in her early 50s, recently inherited a significant sum of assets after the passing of a relative. The inheritance consisted of multiple investment accounts scattered across various brokerage firms and transfer agents, including traditional brokerage accounts, mutual funds, and individual stock holdings. Charlotte also had her own investments, including a current employer 401(k) account, and found it overwhelming to manage everything efficiently.


Charlotte’s financial landscape was complicated and disjointed, with accounts spread across five different financial institutions. This made it difficult to track her asset allocation, understand her overall risk exposure, and ensure her investments aligned with her long-term financial goals. As a busy professional, Charlotte didn’t have the time or desire to manage her portfolio on a day-to-day basis.


Our team began by meeting with Charlotte to understand her financial objectives, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. We devised a strategic plan to consolidate her inherited assets into one centralized location under our management. Working alongside Charlotte, we carefully transferred her accounts from various firms, making sure the process was as seamless and efficient as possible. Additionally, we leveraged Pontera to actively manage Charlotte’s employer 401(k) account, helping to ensure it was appropriately allocated in line with her overall investment strategy. Charlotte decided it was in her best interest to sign up for the discretionary portfolio management program for her personal assets. Our team was able to help her proactively rebalance her portfolio, assist in optimizing tax efficiency, and adjust her investment plan as needed. This gave Charlotte confidence that her finances were in good hands.


With her financial assets consolidated and professionally managed, Charlotte’s investment strategy became more cohesive and efficient. She felt relieved knowing her portfolio was consistently monitored and adjusted by our team to align with her financial goals. By simplifying her financial life and streamlining her investments, Charlotte gained clarity and confidence in her financial future.

Growing Pains

Primary Goal: Business Growth

At 49 years old, Joanne started an apparel company, and, within three years, they saw sales increase to more than $10 million annually. Despite the successful sales numbers, she was having trouble with employee management and taxes. After a business strategy meeting, she understood the importance of outsourcing human resources (HR). The company engaged an HR company to evaluate policies and establish both a compensation, benefit plan and creation of an employee handbook. During the meeting, it was also revealed that taxes were a major issue for Joanne. It was suggested that she work with a third-party administrator to illustrate a defined benefit (DB) plan and profit-sharing plan for the company.

Leaving a Legacy

Primary Goal: Business Retirement Transition

After James and Agnes sold a business they owned for 30 years, they started considering what to do with the money they made from their business sale. Both having children from previous marriages, they were concerned about their legacy and how to leave equal amounts to each child. With the assistance of an estate attorney, an estate plan was developed to leave a legacy for their children and set up a charitable remainder trust where they could leave money to their charity of choice and receive tax-favorable income in retirement. The couple were also concerned about long term care and how to cover the cost. We suggested a life insurance policy with a long term care rider to address these concerns.

An Unexpected Loss

Primary Goal: Business Succession
Integrating Personal & Business Strategies

Hector and Kathleen were married for over 35 years when, unfortunately, Kathleen passed away at the age of 54 after a battle with cancer. They owned two florist shops in Atlanta. Hector was not sure if he wanted to continue the business because it would be difficult to handle the operations load on his own. They have two adult children, Margaret and Alec. Alec was a construction worker and Margaret had just received her MBA. Originally, Margaret wanted a big corporate job but decided, after her mother passed, that she would like to take over the family business. After participating in a legacy planning workshop, a strategy was developed so that a portion of the business profit go into a Living Trust to be split by both children upon Hector’s passing. A buy-sell strategy was also created for Hector and one of the store’s long-time employees, who hopes to buy the business in 10 years.

Riders are additional guarantee options that are available to an annuity or life insurance contract holder. While some riders are part of an existing contract, many others may carry additional fees, charges and restrictions, and the policy holder should review their contract carefully before purchasing. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

The case studies presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The information has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. These strategies do not guarantee a profit or protect against loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Each person's  specific situation, goals, and results, may differ. Neither the information provided nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

Steward Partners, its affiliates, and Steward Partners Wealth Managers do not provide tax or legal advice. You should consult with your tax advisor for matters involving taxation and tax planning and their attorney for matters involving trust and estate planning and other legal matters.

Steward Partners Investment Solutions, LLC offers insurance products in conjunction with its licensed insurance agency affiliates.

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